At the heart of the programme are pieces for flute and harpsichord, instruments beloved by the 18th century composers. Baroque authors believed that flute can render the most delicate and also the most vibrant sounds. And the harpsichord is one of the most iconic baroque instruments without which a baroque concert would hardly be possible.
The selected composers for this concert represent the musical spirit of the period. Some of them lived and created exclusively in Italy, where they perfected the famous stile italiano. Others developed the style abroad, publishing pieces that were played in the most important venues of the time.
The programme will be performed by Baroque Ensemble „Réunion de Musiciens“: flutist Vincenzo Lai and harpsichordist Nijolė Dorotėja Beniušytė. Vincenzo Lai is praised for his musicianship, bright technique, and stage presence. Nijolė Dorotėja Beniušytė is not only an excellent harpsichordist but also the art director of the whole festival.
Concert date: 2022-07-02 16:00
Performers: Baroque Ensemble “Réunion de Musiciens” (Italy): Vincenzo Lai (flute), Nijolė Dorotėja Beniušytė (harpsichord)
Programme: P. D. Paradisi, D. Scarlatti, G. B. Platti, P. A. Locatelli, L. Vinci, A. Corelli
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