On 26 November, with winter approaching, we invite you to spend a warm evening at Paliesius Manor and listen to the concert-performance “Winter in Majorca”, inspired by Franz Chopin’s and George Sand’s works and their love story. Pianist Eglė Andrejevaitė will bring to life Chopin’s preludes, Op. 28, written in Majorca, where he stayed together with novelist Sand – these preludes are musical haikus, telling the story of the two artists and their feelings. And Birutė Mar will read fragments from George Sand’s autobiographical novel “Winter in Majorca”, which immortalized moments of love, passion, tension and hardships in the relationship.

Birutė Mar is an actress, director, writer, founder and art director of SOLO TEATRAS. She has been making internationally acclaimed chamber performances, mono performances and projects uniting theatre, literature and music since 1998.

Pianist Eglė Andrejevaitė has won several international competitions, is a founder of a piano studio TonArt.

Concert date: 2022-12-26 16:00

Performers:  Eglė Andrejevaitė (piano), Birutė Mar (actress)

Programme: Chopin’s Preludes, Op.28; fragments from Franz Chopin’s and George Sand’s contemporaries’ letters and memories, and George Sand’s autobiographical novel “Winter in Majorca”

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: info@paliesiausdvaras.lt