Praised by the New York Times for her “passionate and insightful” playing, Renana Gutman has performed across four continents as an orchestral soloist, recitalist and collaborative artist. She is a top prize winner at Los Angeles Liszt competition, International Keyboard Festival in New York, and Tel-Hai International Master Classes.

Coming to Paliesius manor for the first time, she will present a new programme, which introduces music by composers whose Jewish identity sealed their fate as musicians and as human beings in the period surrounding the two world wars. The colorful, imaginative soundscape these composers created was influenced by other composers they were personally associated with, such as Debussy and Berg, by their geographical journeys to Eastern, Western Europe and Palestine, and ultimately by the turbulent circumstances of their time. Their compositions bear witness to their rich life experiences, encompassing great stylistic diversity and a vast range of emotions.

Performance date: 2024-11-23 16:00

Programme: Mario Melli, Alban Berg, Frédéric Chopin, Josima Feldschuh, Gideon Klein, Claude Debussy, Erwin Schulhoff, Dina Pruzhansky, Maurice Ravel, Paul Ben-Haim

Performers: Renana Gutman (piano, Israel/USA)

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: