Welcome the New Year with exceptional experiences and Austrian spirit! The beloved maestro Christian Frattima and the Paliesius Manor Consort, who created several memorable celebrations and programmes at the manor, such as the New Year’s Baroque Fairy Tale, are returning to Paliesius. This time, Christian Frattima will present the New Year’s celebration: Classical Vienna.

We will start the feast by offering guests the opportunity to participate in delicacies tasting with a glass of wine from the wine cellar of Paliesius Manor. Then we’ll invite you to a dancing lesson. Later, we will enjoy a festive and unique dinner presented by Christian Frattima, with rare and exotic flavours. The evening will culminate in a concert by Christian Frattima, the artistic director of the event, and the Paliesius Manor Consort, playing the wonderful music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart until midnight. Then we’ll raise our glasses, dance and celebrate the New Year!

Performance date: 2024-12-31 19:00

Performers: Christian Frattima Massimei (conductor of Paliesius Manor Consort, Italy), Jiayu Jin (soprano, China/Italy), Paliesius Manor Consort: Justina Zajančiauskaitė (violin), Saulė Buikaitė (violin), Ieva Sruogytė (viola), Raphaël Ungër (cello), Donatas Butkevičius (double bass), Vytautas Giedraitis (clarinet), Vytenis Gurstis (flute), Tomas Rubinas (bassoon), Indrė Kuleševičienė (French horn), Viktor Palej (oboe).

Programme: delicacies tasting with a glass of wine from the wine cellar of Paliesius Manor, dancing, festive dinner, a concert by the Paliesius Manor Consort

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: info@paliesiausdvaras.lt