Celebrate Mother’s Day with a concert! On this day at Paliesius Manor we will embrace Mothers with the most beautiful Lithuanian words, songs and music, and will sing to them with love.

For where to find support in today’s turbulent times if not in the experiences of Mothers who brought us up, in their ability to live in the spirit of caring in the most difficult circumstances, to overcome the challenges, and to instill in our hearts the belief that even mountains can be overcome with love…

Four talented artists will gracefully unfold the spectrum of the programme with moments of intimacy as well as the energy that will captivate the audience. The dreamy works of Lithuanian composers and powerful poems by Lithuanian poets will leave no one indifferent and will give you the joy of finding an echo of your own experiences, the mysteries of the subconscious, the longing for Beauty and Harmony…

Performance date: 2024-05-05 14:00

Programme: Songs, romances, music and poems by Lithuanian authors

Performers: Judita Leitaitė (mecosoprano), Paulina Daukšytė-Šereckienė (violin), Beata Vingraitė-Andriuškevičienė (piano), Virginija Kochanskytė (actress, director) | Lithuania

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: info@paliesiausdvaras.lt