The Globe Suit is a musical journey that introduces the audience to different nations and their culture. It’s an educational concert both for children and adults, where all pieces will be performed with a birbynė and an accordion.

Birbynė is a Lithuanian aerophone. Its history traces back to the 16th century. It was first used by children and shepherds but was later improved and is now a serious instrument used in ensembles. Vytautas Kiminius is one of the most prominent birbynė players in Lithuania. He works hard at perfecting and promoting this national instrument: while doing so, he won several prizes and awards in various competitions.

Tadas Motiečius is a promising accordionist. He is an active performer and participant at various art and music projects. He has also won more than one prize at competitions and received an appreciation award from two of Lithuania’s presidents.

 Concert date: 2022-10-08 16:00

Performers: Vytautas Kiminius (birbynė), Tadas Motiečius (accordion)

Programme: A. Schnittke, O. Balakauskas, V. Mikalauskas, E. Grieg, B. Bartok

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: