This is how the composer signed his letter to his immortal beloved. The concert programme will feature one of van Beethoven’s most impressive masterpieces, the String Quartet Op. 130, composed in his last years. Ahead of its time in modern expression, this work may seem avant-garde even to a modern listener. In between the contrasting movements of the quartet, actor Andrius Bialobrzeskis will read the Heiligenstadt Testament (Beethoven’s 1802 letter to his brothers Carl and Johann, in which the composer describes his despair and anxiety about his hearing loss) and another, more mysterious and intimate document, known as the Letter to his Immortal Beloved, written ten years after the Testament, when he was already totally deaf. These texts offer a glimpse into Beethoven’s soul: tormented, irritable, yet full of love for humanity and fellow man.

This original concert programme, combining brilliant chamber music and authentic texts, will create an extraordinary artistic atmosphere!

Performance date: 2023-09-02 16:00

Programme: Ludwig van Beethoven

Performers: Boris Brovtsyn (1st violin, Austria), Monika Urbonaitė (2nd violin), Jurgis Juozapaitis (viola), Gleb Pyšniak (cello) | Reader: actor Andrius Bialobžeskis

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