On 20 September, come listen to an evening story for adults: the song cycle Magelone Op. 33 by Johannes Brahms! Three talented performers baritone Giedrius Prunskus, pianist Jonė Punytė-Svigarienė and reader Vytautas Rumšas (senior)  will bring the work to life.

This concert is an original presentation of a unique and one of the most mature song cycles in the history of the Lied genre. The songs of the cycle will be integrated into the story so that the storyline is clear. The song cycle, rarely performed in Lithuania, is based on the poems by the 18th-century German writer Ludwig Tieck.

It tells the love story of Count Peter of Provence and the beautiful Princess Magelone of Naples, a story of the birth of love, its ignition, the pain of separation, moments of straying, lost hopes, and the illuminating encounter.  The story is read in Lithuanian and sung in German. Slides with an illustrated translation of the lyrics into Lithuanian are shown on the screen synchronously.

Performance date: 2025-09-20 16:00

Programme: song cycle Magelone Op. 33 by Johannes Brahms, based on the poems of 18th-century German writer Ludwig Tieck

Performers: Giedrius Prunskus (baritone), Jonė Punytė-Svigarienė (piano), reader Vytautas Rumšas (senior) | Lithuania

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: info@paliesiausdvaras.lt