A Bouquet of Melodies is a concert of both simplicity and diversity. The audience will hear classic pieces and jazz compositions, performed by violinist Gediminas Dalinkevičius and pianist Povilas Jaraminas. According to them, this kind of music does not pretend to be something extremely unique and new, but it has stood the test of time and life and is enjoyed by most.

Violinist Gediminas Dalinkevičius is an old friend of Paliesius manor. He played at its very first concerts and was one of the first artists to record CDs in the manor’s recording studio. Dalinkevičius was also the founder, art director and conductor of the Kaunas Chamber Orchestra, soloist and conductor of the international orchestra Solisti Baltia.

Pianist Povilas Jaraminas is one of the first jazz promoters in Lithuania, a great improviser and interpreter. He performed with many famous artists and is an expert concertmaster. Jaraminas has received an honourable Medal of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

Performance date: 2024-10-27 15:00

Performers: Gediminas Dalinkevičius (violin), Povilas Jaraminas (piano) | Lithuania

CONTACT US for tickets: Phone: +370 626 82 760, Email: info@paliesiausdvaras.lt